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Re: Removing rear drums on

To: "Jim Strohm" <>,
Subject: Re: Removing rear drums on
From: "Jim Roberts" <>
Date: 15 Aug 1995 13:36:34 -0600
        Reply to:   RE>>Removing rear drums on a 250

Date: 8/15/95 08:17
To: Jim Roberts
From: Jim Strohm

Jim Strohm recently wrote, in part -

>Just a thought -- I don't know how rusty your hubs are.  You _have_ >removed
the screws
>that retain the brake drum (if fitted) haven't you?  If the rust is bad,
it's >easy
>to overlook these.  In normal service, of course, the drum pops right off. 
>The likeliest
>things preventing this are:
>1) screws still installed
>2) drum rusted to hub
>3) drum is ridged, catching on shoes (feels like 5, below)
>4) brakes adjusted too tight
>5) broken shoe retaining springs; drum is loose but stuck

Someone once told me how to get rear hubs off a rear-wheel drive car.  Jack
the back of the car up, and start it.  Put it in gear and while the wheels
are spinning, set the parking brake a couple of notches, just enough to get
some friction going.  Let the hubs heat up for 10-15 minutes this way, then
they should pop right off.  I actually tried it on my Isuzu Trooper, it works
great, the hubs would not budge when cold and they popped right off hot.

JR   '65 TR4, CT39059 
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From: (Jim Strohm)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 95 08:53:28 CDT
Subject: Re: Removing rear drums on a 250

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