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Re: Headers, to wrap or not to wrap?

Subject: Re: Headers, to wrap or not to wrap?
From: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 09:07:43 -0400
>question.  I have experienced a nasty problem at the race track of the 
>header wrap soaking up oil and gas leaks, and then becoming a large 
>wick if it ignites.  It is also very hard to extinguish, as the header 
>heat keeps re-igniting it!  This is probably not a good thing to 
>encourage on a street car, which may be driven for a long period while 
>oil vapors collect in the wrap.  I think a heat shield would be a 
>better idea.

Mine never caught fire but the stink is undescribable when synthetic spills
on it and it smolders for weeks. It wasn't a consideration when I installed
it. I figured it would never be a problem. Alas, I erred.

>     I wonder if your crystallization problem was caused by the chrome 
>plating.  I've heard that this can happen if the plating isn't done 
>exactly right.  Any platers or metallugists out there?

I don't know. But the heat was definately a contributing factor because the
damage was at the bottom bend, the sharpest at 90 deg, and on the inside of
the wrap where it's the hottest.


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