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Re: TR6 Fr. Suspension problems pt 2

To: (Triumph Mailing List)
Subject: Re: TR6 Fr. Suspension problems pt 2
From: "Randell Jesup" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 14:31:28 EDT
>>Also, the driver's side of the body rides about 3/4" lower than the right
>>side. I assumed that the new springs would fix this. 
>I'll be very interested in following the results of this. The driver's side
>my '72 TR6 sags as well (there're spacers in the left-front spring), and I
>was also assuming that new springs would fix this. I'll replace the springs
>anyways over the winter, but now I'm wondering if this will really fix the

        Sounds like this is a common TR6 problem.  Mine might be due to
the DPO hitting a curb in the RF and perhaps bending the frame, I suppose.

        I replaced the springs in my '6 for similar reasons (and the rear
driver's side had one coil broken off).  I still have a lean to the driver's
side, mostly in the rear.  (I also ended up with a funny setup with British 
Parts NW "uprated" springs: front higher than the rear (much)).  I'm
considering going back to stock springs with (already installed) Spax
in the front and uprated rear shocks, and maybe upgrade the sway bars.

Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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