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Re: RHD '66 TR4A

Subject: Re: RHD '66 TR4A
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 10:08:52 -0700 (MST)
<> writes:

> a rust free RHD TR4a is worth around 8-10,000 pounds over here, God 
> knows what that is in $'s, maybe $14-15000!!

Just FYI, according to my most recent Visa bill, bucks convert to quid
at a rate of 1.59:1 at the moment.  So L8000 == $12,720, L10,000 == 

For a more straighforward conversion factor, just remember that 
two bits ~= 3'6d (three shillings and sixpence).

I'm not sure what that is in guineas.

Just my two cents (a shade over 1p).  That and two florins will get you
on the bus...

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