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Re: Brake Fluids (DOT3 vs DOT4 vs DOT5)

To: Ken Streeter <>
Subject: Re: Brake Fluids (DOT3 vs DOT4 vs DOT5)
From: Bill Sohl Budd Lake <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 19:52:40 -400 (EDT)
As a follow-up to the excellent summary on brake fluids, let me
add that of the three fluids (Dot 3,4 and 5) oit is OK to
mix the Dot 3 and 4, BUT not to mix the Dot 5
with either the Dot 3 or 4.  As the article pointed out, the
DOT 4 is basically a better DOT 3 type of fluid.  The older
compatability issue (folklore, myth, who really knows) that
it was verboten to use domestic (USA) brand brake fluids
in UK car's brake systems is no longer relavent as today's
DOT 3 is not at all the same as the domestic brake fluids
of the 1950's/60's.

This information was also discussed at the NJ Triumph Club's 
Somerfest during a brake tech session by one of the more
"upscale" Jag/exotic car repair garages.  The individual was
quite knowledgeable and confirmed the compatability of
today's DOT 3 and DOT 4.

Bill Sohl  K2UNK     (Budd lake, New Jersey)      (

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