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Leaking but....why?

Subject: Leaking but....why?
From: Nick Benson <grayoak@holly.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 16:48:14 -0600 (MDT)
Anyone out there have any ideas why I am losing a disturbing amount of 
brake fluid from my '75 Spitfire Master cylinder?

At first I thought it was leaking from the lid, but a closer inspection 
revealed that it appears to be leaking at the junction of the plastic 
reservoir and the cylinder at the front.  I cannot figure out why it 
should be doing this, since the master cylinder is brand new.  I bought 
the car with the new master cylinder, so I have no idea how it was 
installed.  Perhaps the PO screwed up when they assembled it before 
fitting it into the car?

Nick D. Benson
Dept. of Industrial Sciences
Colorado State University
Fort Collins  CO

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