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RE: Accel coil, problems?

To: TR Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: Accel coil, problems?
From: "Riggs, R. (Kevin)" <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 95 06:57:00 CDT
Encoding: 22 TEXT
Thomas posted:

> I just installed a Accel something or another "performance" coil on my 

> Now she has collected new misfires in new engine speeds

When I went from the stock Lucas coil to a Lucas Sport coil in my TR6, I had 
to remove the ballast resistor.  My old coil had been hooked up with reverse 
polarity, so somone had obviously been monkeying with things, and I don't 
know if the ballast resistor was stock or not.  It could be that you have a 
ballast resistor and should get rid of it or that you don't have one and 
need it.  I don't know what I'm talking about, and if something burns up, I 
never heard of you--but I'm under the impression that it's safe to just 
experiment with different combinations for 10 minutes or so at a time until 
it runs right.

Kevin Riggs
'72 TR6
Huntsville, AL

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