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Re: engine not used for a long time

Subject: Re: engine not used for a long time
From: (Egil Kvaleberg)
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 06:21:33 +0100
Newsgroups: mail.triumphs
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <>
In article <>,
Andrew Mace <> wrote:
> I think it might be best to drain the current oil as best you can 
> (considering it won't be very warm) and put in new oil and filter.

Not so sure about the oil filter before the first attempts at 
cranking. Renewing it creates a long delay before any oil reaches
the bearings, oil with high water content is much better than no
oil at all.

> Then, once ignition and fuel systems are operable, crank the        
> engine for a bit with the HT coil wire disconnected -- at least until 
> the oil pressure light goes out or you are otherwise sure you have built 
> up some oil pressure. 

I would definitely have left the plug holes open. The bearing and piston
ring loads will be much smaller. Run the engine on the starter for
quite a long time. The load on the starter will be very light, it won't

The same technique may be used when starting a reconditioned engine for 
the first time.


Email:  Voice: +47 22523641/92022780 Fax: +47 22525899
Smail: Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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