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Urban legend

Subject: Urban legend
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 13:46:04 -0700 (MST)
(How's that for a subject guaranteed to start a thread?)

In one of the TSSC magazines it was asserted that (and this
is a paraphrase):

  Towards the end of the Spitfire era, they ran out of 1500 
  engines during production.  Some enterprising individual 
  looked over at the Dolomite Sprint line, looked over the
  engines and decided to try to make one fit.

  With a bit of fiddling the engine went in, and a certain
  number of Spitfires went out with Dolly Sprint engines.

Is there any truth in this, or is this pure urban legend?
Anybody ever seen a Sprintfire?  And were Spits and Sprints
even made in the same plant?

P.S.  Personally I'm planning on putting a Rolls Royce 
Merlin engine in mine...make a _real_ Spitfire out of it.
Not sure where I'll put the eight 9mm Brownings though...

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