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Re: Triumph World

Subject: Re: Triumph World
From: Joe Flake <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 95 16:06:28 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
Dan wrote:
> I'm surprised no-one's talking about the 1st issue of "Triumph
> World" magazine. 

OK.  On his suggestion, I bought one.  Very little
newstand thumbing and reading.  I just bought it.

> it's a
> fairly substantial mag produced in the UK.  By "substantial" I
> mean considerably more so than "British Car", though almost
> anything would be... 

Maybe slightly more.  "considerably" is a stretch...
(I do subscribe to British Cars, and indeed find it a
bit thin these days.)

> What sort of articles are in it, you ask?  It's called "Triumph
> World", so take a wild guess.

I found lots of "Triumph" information, but not nearly so
much "TR" information as I expected.  Not their fault, as I'm
sure there are many with lots of interest in the non-TR models.

> it's traditional tech articles, nostalgia, history, and feature
> stories.

Yep.  Fair profile.

> Slightly more emphasis on owner profiles than I would
> prefer, but what they hey it's just the first issue.
Opinions, opinions.  I'd have preferred more owner/car profiles.

> It can be found at my local Barnes and Noble bookstore, so hopefully 
> yours will have it too.
I also found it at a local (Atlanta) B&N (interesting that they
have this -- they don't carry British Cars).

> We need to encourage this sort of thing.  Go buy one.  Now.
Maybe.  I did.  Yesterday.

Will I buy another?  I'm not sure.  Three big objections from
my point of view:
1)  Coverage of TR models vs other Triumph models doesn't match
    my interests. (Opinions...)
2)  It's filled with ads which point to UK suppliers.  (Not an
    unreasonable expectation from a UK magazine).  True, many
    would export, but I'm unlikely to order if a similar item
    is available from a US supplier uless there was substantial
3)  The biggie.  This puppy costs $7.95!  For a magazine!  Sorry,
    but I don't thihk we need to "encourage" this sort of thing...


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