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Scott's daily TR questions

Subject: Scott's daily TR questions
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 20:05:57 -0400
Ya'll  are a real treasure,  thanks for the responses.  Hope I'm not bugging
anyone too much or creating so much junk that people are unsubscribing to
this list.

Today's questions: 
If gear oil isn't leaking past the hub into the brake drum, do I need to
bother with the hassal of changing the outer seal?  I'm pretty sure I bashed
the inner ones and messed them up in the many many half shaft / hub swaps
I've done.  But apparently they aren't that hard to replace.

Well, I may be needing to do some more temporary wheel swapping, (taking the
wires off to get balanced, trued or whatever, is there any reason I can't put
the disc wheels on the shortened studs meant for the wire wheel splines?  I
know that it looks funny with so much lugnut unfilled, but is it dangerous?

Cast Iron BBQ worked pretty durn well.  The headers were a little too large
for the grille, and the coating chipped off where the top hit it, but
everything else is hunky dory.

Later all,

Thanks again


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