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Re: TR6

Subject: Re: TR6
Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 12:53:20 -0400
>1) Oil Pressure.  Souds OK.  90 is a little high at start-are you 
>using a multi-grade oil?  I was told to (and do) use 20W-50 (Castrol) 
>in my TR. The 20w number refers to its effective viscosity at low 

I'm presently using 10W-40. Wouldn't I expect a higher pressure (both 
hot & cold) with the 20W-50?

>But like others have probably said, unless it dips seriously when 
>*idling* you sound OK. 

When idling it drops from about 50 psi cold (roughly) to about 25 psi 
or so after 20-30 minutes of driving.

>The OD is bolted to the back of the gearbox which is in turn bolted, 
>of course, to the back of the engine. 

I'll look again, but I don't recall seeing anything resembling an OD 
unit when I was working on the clutch. I suspect that, as someone 
already mentioned, the original tranny was replaced with a non-OD unit.

>Good luck! And welcome, welcome to your TR. :-)

Thanks! I'm enjoying it quite a bit, and haven't had much of a chance 
to drive it so far. (I suspect my motorcycle is going to be extremely 
jealous for the next month or so! <g>) I have to say that I've never 
driven a car with such tight steering as this. One little twich and 
you're in the other lane! Not like the "bump steering" of my Astro van 
at all.

>ps.s if you have WWW access, I maintain a TR6 page at:

We're supposed to get WWW access at AOL Real Soon Now. I'll save off 
your address so I'll have a place to play when I do get it.

        Bruce Krobusek
        Rochester   NY
          '83 R80RT
           '72 TR6

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