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Re: Help identifying Spitfire year model

To: Marcus Tooze <>
Subject: Re: Help identifying Spitfire year model
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 14:33:51 -0900 (PDT)
On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Marcus Tooze wrote:

> > definitely a Spitfire 1500. (One clue for people may be that it has rubber
> > wrap-around bumpers, not chrome. Is that Californian?).
> Nope, it's all post '75 brit cars pretty much.

Actually, it's approximatly '79.5-on for Spitfires.
> > The VIN is
> > TFLDW2AT006518. _However_, here is the problem. It is NOT electronic
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't know about vins...

I don't have info handy, but most vendors' catalogs have VIN info.

> > ignition. The distributer is manual contact-breaker. The car has a
> This is a common swap becuase the lucas electronic ign. systems were kinda 
> crappy. You always know where you  are with points. They just
> swapped in a 25D type dizzy, common to spits, Midgets and a whole
> host of other lbcs.

Actually, it's more likely a Delco distributor, as that's what was on 
most Spitfires pre-electronic ignition. It's important to know which you 
have, as parts for Lucas distributors will not fit Delco, etc.

Andy Mace

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