On Thu, 6 Apr 1995 STUDBC@afce02.tc.gc.ca wrote:
> Doug Mitchell <doug@dsg128.nad.ford.com> wrote on Thu, 6 Apr 1995 08:33:51
> -0400
> >I think that the Spits required unleaded from '76, although it may
> >have been '75. I have run unleaded in my Spit for the last 7-8 years,
> I own a 1976 Spitfire #FMsomething (sorry, the car is about 500 km from
> here) and it requires leaded gasoline. I do know that it was built in April
> of '76.
I think that, at least in the U.S., 1977 might have been the first year
that unleaded would have been REQUIRED as converters were first
installed about that time. I seem to recall, though, that most Spits,
U.S.-spec. anyway, were intended to run on low-lead or no-lead gas from
the early 1970s on. Don't have sources handy to check this, though.
Andy Mace