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[Tigers] 90 degree oil filter adaptor

To: tigers@autox.team.net ryLNfZqxkjZbp/MNvaXXGtE2nMj/1scaxA/gtxXxIgAesbSZgdvoW4FG+RDyYu8C7TfYgKB51HlyWOFLMWHD8kzkdUfA+S+hy3E=
Subject: [Tigers] 90 degree oil filter adaptor
From: Terry Lawell via Tigers <tigers@autox.team.net>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2021 19:33:37 -0500
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I purchased a 90 degree oil filter adapter from Summit Racing and when 
it arrived I realized it did not have the adapter for the block, though 
the salesman told me it came with it. Does anyone know where I can get 
the adapter? I think it is 1.16" threads to the block and 13/16" threads 
to the adapter.

Cheers, Terry


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