Having not inspected the F4B I have no ieda of the layout behine the carb.
When inspecting most intkae for SBFs, there is a threaded hole located
behine the carb and closer to the passenger sid. I would inspect the F4B to
see if it could be drilled and tapped in the same location. Of course I
think the best route would be from under the carb and as many Holleys as
there are on ebay, I would think a person might locate a junk one with the
correct ported bottom to interchange. I also believe I have a carb spacer
with a nipple. The problem Im assuming( a bad thing to do) is having vaccum
for the brake booster and for the PVC valve. Ther should be a place on the
carb for vaccum advance for the dist. You want to get all of these things
taken care of Tiegr joe, before you decide to remove the 2 barell. Good
luck, TTT