Chris, just using your reply to throw my 2 cents into the thread..
Well, if the roll bar is pretty much for the car in normal daily
driving, and not SCCA competetion, then I would hazard a guess that ANY
roll bar in a Tiger would be helpful. In a race car, you have some
serious shoulder straps to help keep you upright and not bouncing around
so yeah, I want the bar to be taller than my noggin. But for street,
the CAT type roll bar or as I modified mine a long time ago with a bar
to the front passenger floor would be pretty acceptable. I am pretty
seure that the windshield fram wont do a thing for you in a roll over.
So something is far better than nothing. As to the legal bars, one of
the guys I pal around with here has a stable full of Cobras and he races
them and the required roll bar/cage is pretty awful looking. So if ya
want an SCCA bar, better get the rule book and look to see what is
really required. For street..anything helps. I would be more afraid of
coming out of the car and having it jump on me... Or you could build
something like in the WFS(W)...
mayf, ou tin PAhrump...
Chris Thompson wrote:
> I think they are called show bars are that in fact *it* would hold up
> to a roll-over, but you would need a casket 2-6 inches shorter than
> you would if you had "moved to the next level" in a different manner
> than dragging along with the shiny side down.
> I don't think there is any way to have a proper fixed roll bar and a
> top. A friend who builds cages for pro and amateur race teams says
> that he could make a bar with an extended, removable section on the
> top. Claims it would be every bit as safe as a solid welded one. I
> dunno, but he's the pro....
> Chris
> Steve Laifman wrote:
>> Tim,
>> Welcome to the "Wonderful World of Litigation".
>> Due to the liability a manufacturer would face, even with the best
>> design,
>> many refuse to state that these are "roll bars". This might imply
>> suitability
>> for the purpose (it does). With today's litigious world, the "show
>> bar" designation
>> has arisen. Of course the issue of bars that are truly for show,
>> only, then arises.
>> Speed Channel and Discovery Channel both offer custom builders shows,
>> and
>> such shops for true race preparation also exist. It is better to
>> have one
>> specifically built for your needs and car, and installed, by a pro.
>> Do not expect
>> a roll over guarantee.
>> Steve