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Re: Dragging Booster

To: "Randy Smith" <RSSmithIQ@cs.com>, <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Dragging Booster
From: "bob josten" <bobjosten@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 17:52:02 -0700
Hi all,
I rebuilt my Mk2 servo last year and like Joey within a week or so it 
started hanging up.
A local tiger expert suggested that if the leather seal on the big piston 
was in good condition (it was) I remove the foam cord that came with the 
rebuild kit that is used to enhance the sealing abilty of a used leather 
I removed the foam cord from behind the seal, re-greased the leather with 
the stuff provided in the rebuild kit, and the servo has worked fine ever 


>I just had my Servo rebuilt by Tiger Tom in PA.  He is one of the guys
> on the short list of folks with extensive knowledge about all things
> Tiger.  He told me that it is quite common for a rebuilt Servo to stick
> if the seal on the large piston not properly "worked in" during the
> rebuild process.  He said it can even occasionally happen to an
> experienced rebuilder.  The best fix is to pull it apart and  rework the
> seal. However, he did say that often they can be fixed by sitting facing
> downhill on a moderate grade and pumping the brakes (soft, medium, hard)
> and allowing them to release after each pump.  Hopefully, the piston
> will work in and out and the brakes will begin to release after each
> pump.  If they release properly each time allowing the car to roll, then
> they are good to go.  If not, take them apart again.  Granted, the
> problem could be something else too.
> -Randy

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