Looking for a little advise.
I had a chance to take my 65 Sunbeam Tiger on an extended drive yesterday
and while idling at a stop light experienced a stumbling idle and then the
engine stalled.
It was 79 F in Ft. Lauderdale, and the engine temp was between 175-185F. I
refired it and it seemed to run fine through the gears, but would stumble
again while stopped. Upon further inspection I found the fuel level in the
filter was cycling between starving and filling at idle. Checking the level
this morning it was full.
It appears the fuel pump is providing proper volume during warm up and the
fuel filter clean. I am not sure if the problem is the pump, carb or some
vacuum imbalance. Perhaps ignition? It appears to happen only when the
vehicle is fully warmed up and has been driven for a couple of hours.
Any ideas on how to narrow the problem down would be appreciated.
Bill Lawrence