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RE: Clutch

To: "Steve Laifman" <SLaifman@socal.rr.com>, "DrMayf"
Subject: RE: Clutch
From: "Crawley,John" <johnc@nait.ab.ca>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 09:35:38 -0700
Steve wrote: One thing, though. That tranny is one heavy piece of iron

I agree that there really is no problem getting a tranny in and out from the 
bottom. I also agree on the weight part. I had a transmission jack and a bottle 
jack and still could not get it into place. I asked my son Jayson (GM wrencher) 
to give me a hand. He told me to get out of the way, tossed the jacks, held the 
tranny up with one hand and shoved the bolts in with the other - nice to be 
young and tough. 

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