Been following your ‘cooling’ issue, and have some thoughts.
First, it is desirable if the fan is inside the shroud 2/3, behind the
shroud 1/3.
Second, I do not think it is a good sign that you are feeling the air
coming from the fan coming thru the FRONT of the radiator. That is not
the direction it is meant to go, and this counter circulation is not
helpful. Perhaps it's a problem of having the hood up (?). Do you feel a
stronger flow toward the engine than thru the front of the radiator.
Maybe the fan is a ‘pusher’ not a ‘puller”. This could be caused by the
original fan being contra-rotated with serpentine belts in the original
application, or it's on backwards?
Your having your rash of start-up problems, but you'll work through them.
I seem to recall your problem with the radiator cap availability. Is
that cured, as advised?
Steve Laifman < Find out what is most >
B9472289 < important in your life >
< and don't let it get away!>
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