Dear Dan,
I'm writing in response to Norman's cryptic note sent to the list
yesterday. Criticism should always be viewed from multiple
perspectives. Norman is one of the most notorious critics in this wild and
crazy Tiger marque domain. His friends and others on this list and
elsewhere will attest that he is not frequently heard from and typically
limits his criticisms to more meaningful subjects.
I'll bet that you started your day, yesterday, like most, trying to
maintain your place in life, make a living, show some progress on some
project or other, and happened to ask an innocuous question. Instead of
dwelling on the perceived negativism of Norman's response, consider that
you have been named by name, and criticized by the great Norman. Before
yesterday you were simply another name on the e-mail subscription list. You
somehow managed to pull the Bear from his lair. Today you are somebody in
this Marque.