At 07:23 27/01/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Mark, Cliff,
>An important consideration when getting the cross-member reinforced is to
>make sure it is straight. This is particularly difficult on this piece
>because there is no easy reference point. If the alignment is correct,
>especially camber, then it's probably OK. However, many if not most of
>these cross-members will exhibit some sag after lo these many years. I
>would ask whomever I had do the work if they have any way to check the
>geometry before they start welding. As for where to get the work done, the
>possibilities I'm aware of are Dale A., Smitty here in S.D. (he has a jig),
>and Tom Hall. You might want to discuss relocating the rack back 1/2" while
>you're at it, or even going to the Midget rack (see Dale for this).
Dear Bob & Others
Does anyone out there have correct reference dimensions for the front
X-member? As I'm not that far off doing this It would be nice to have it
right before welding.
For those suffering the winter big chill in the Northern sphere, suffer!
DownUnder we're enjoying summer.
Wally Menke