>When I pulled the windscreen off my car, I either lost the alignment
>wedges or they were removed by the DPO. Are these available? Can I
>make them myself? Does anyone have the dimensions handy? I've also
>seen reference to washers used there too. Not on my car. What is
>supposed to be there? (If it wasn't for the list, I wouldn't even
>know anything was missing)
>See you at SOS,
Chris sometimes they stick to the underside of the rubber molding. So
check there and see. Mine fell onto the floor and I almost missed them but
found em in the dust pile I had swept up. There basically just made from
rubber and have a hole in the center to go over the windshield bolts. Mine
had two on each forward (the nearest to the door jam) bolt. the one you
have to take off from inside the door jam. they were about 1/4 inch thick
at one end and tapered to nothing. about 2 or 3 inches long and 1/2 inch
wide. You could make them from rubber off an old innertube I'm sure.
regards Armand
Armand & Lorie Ritchie