At 07:56 AM 8/4/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>From: James Barrett <>
>>Subject: Re: brakes...
>> Install the new "O" rings, lubed with brake fluid or red rubber grease.
>I would be very leery of using the red rubber grease supplied in rebuild
>kits for this purpose. This grease is for preserving external rubber
>dust covers. I don't know what's in it, but I wouldn't put it on any
>internal parts in my brake or clutch system. To be safe stick with
>brake fluid.
I have been using Girling red rubber grease for all my
brake cylinder repairs for years and have never had a problem.
I also dunk the pistons in clean brake fluid for good measure.
I usually fill the outer end of the master cylinders with this
grease as well. Some times a small packet of the grease comes
with the rebuild kit. It does retard the corrision of the
aluminum parts a bit compared to plain brake fluid.
James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others