Rick wrote:
>OK - looks like I misunderstood the whole "fins per inch" concept.
>The guy at the radiator shop tells me that it is 4 fins. This is
>germane because he is looking at my radiator right now.
And here I thought the radiator would be briteesh.
Bennett Cullen wrote (SNIPS abound):
>I presently own a B9472658 (65 MK-1), I have previously owned a 1959
>corvette convertible, a 1967 vette and a 1981 fastback
>The 59 was hot in the summer
>The 67 was an OK driver
>The 81 was just a daily driver.
I'm curious primarily because I considered a 63-67 Vette back
when I was having trouble finding a decent Tiger; I wonder if I would
have enjoyed one. My reasons for not getting one were _very_ subjective:
too big, and way too common.
But the car _appears_ to have some good qualities, too. Bigger
wheel wells. A huge parts support structure. No body rust. Really cheap
Chevy engine parts.
It appears that Vettes have a downside as well -- but isn't the
same true of Tigers? Ackermann problems, insufficient traction,
overheating, modest horsepower? The aftermarket, a few specialty outfits
like Dale's All British, and the efforts of indivdual owners, have gone
a long way towards overcoming these problems. I can readily imagine that
there are ready opportunities to transform a Vette into a car with as
much handling and/or power as you can afford.
Just a thought. Comparing Tigers and Vettes could arguably be a
twofold process; the capabilities of the cars as-bought and what they
could reasonably become. Still glad I got a Tiger, though.
I wrote:
"Off-topic a bit, but does anyone subscr1be to
Automobile Quarterly? I see in the new Classic Motorbooks
catalog a reference to Volume 39, Number 1, which I assume is
new. One of the articles, and the cover photo, is for the
Trident. A while back I expressed interest in this marque as,
like the Sunbeam Tiger, at least some (if not all???) of
these British cars were V8-powered. I think it was Rande from
this List (thanks!) that faxed me a page or two on the
Trident from a book at the time; I'd now like to know more.
If someone subscr1bes and could make a copy of that one
article & fax to me, I'd appreciate it. Or scan and e-mail,
whatever is easier. Or, if ya discard 'em after reading, drop
by and leave the book with me. :^)
Sorry for the non-Tiger content, but the Trident is
another shoehorn job, a distant cousin of sorts. Perhaps on
the Trident list they have resolved all of their overheating,
handling and traction problems and just beat up on the guy
who shoved a 351 into his Trident."
I had to send it twice, because the 1st time I had the word
"subscribe" in it on the first line and Mark Olson told me it couldn't
go through that way. I didn't know that. So I changed "subscribe" to
"subscr1be". I seems the server(?) thought I was trying to subscribe to
the list and wouldn't let me. Can you blame it? :^)
Lawrence R. Wright
"Yes, Steve, I know what germane means."