At 07:52 AM 5/6/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I can't speak for the servo rebuild, but you might want to do some
>research regarding re-sleeving of master cylinders with stainless.
>I've heard, but not personally verified the following:
>1. That silicone brake fluid will seep past a stainless sleeve/cylinder
> interface.
>2. That stainless sleeves must be interference fit into the master
> cylinder and that the aluminum they are made of is not strong enough
> for this purpose. Another possible issue is the different thermal
> expansion rates for stainless and aluminum.
Personal experience for 20 years of service with my silicone / clutch slave
cylinder says this theory as no merit. Perhaps the rubber seals were not
pre-swollen before assembly by those claiming such data. As to the
interference fit, I believe that most commercial operations bore to a slip
fit and use Locktite to complete the seal. I did mine by press fit and I
can tell you that you better know your dimensions, because if you miss and
the tube only goes 3/4 into the bore when it exceeds structural and press
capabilities, you have a very unpleasant mess. I don't think that the
differential thermal expansion is a problem, but that's feeling not fact.