Chris.S.Mottram wrote:
*My Tiger developed an annoying lifter tap. No problem, just pull the
*valve cover and set the clearances.
Huh? I must've been driving 4-bangers waaaay too long. The Garage Queen
is my 1st V-8 in almost 20 years, and I thought that unless you got a
solid-lifter engine it was a WYSIWYG situation; a form of ignorance that
comes from buying a crate engine and stuffing it into the car. Used to
adjust the valves on my Datsun 510 monthly in mere minutes, but it had
only 1/2 the number of valves. I, too, have a bit o' noise under the
hood, I need to check this out! Come to think of it, the Datsun had a
non-stock cam too; would that tend to get knocked out of adjustment more
Alicia & Dan wrote:
* a rerun of the dukes of hazzard
*on. went into the other room to eat dinner, when I returned to my room
*my surprise there was a dark blue tiger with white stripes down the
I would imagine a call to the local station's program director would
reveal the episode # or title for future reference. OTOH, that means
having to sitting through DOH at some point. Ugh!
BTW, anyone try zeroing in on Tiger Technologies web site recently?
Yesterday, my bookmark resulted in a "cannot find" message, and using a
seach engine only gave me sites for some Tiger Technologies company that
sold software! Jeff, are you out there? Were you kidnapped by rabid MG
I used to own several electric cars and do not recall any pollution
except when I over-oiled them and they dripped oil onto the plastic
Lawrence R. Wright
Purchasing Analyst
Andrews Office Products Div. of USOP
Ph. 301.386.7923 Fx. 301.386.5333