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Re: More Rants on Rods...+ Rod stress and Strains

To: nfgjr@juno.com, tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: More Rants on Rods...+ Rod stress and Strains
From: Bob Palmer <rpalmer@ames.ucsd.edu>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 18:07:42 -0700

Thank God for the mechanics. When I was just out of college and had my
first "real" job, I remember being in the machine shop and overhearing some
machinists laughing at some engineering drawings. One of them was saying,
"Yep, I'm and I'm gonna make it just like the drawing says!" I try and keep
that in mind anytime I give some of my drawings to a machinist. If they
always built things just the way I drew them I'd be in a lot of trouble.


At 08:24 PM 10/10/98 -0400, nfgjr@juno.com wrote:
>You only forgot the "Mechanic". He takes the engineers designs and gets
>them working.
>Norm Garlands

Robert L. Palmer
Dept. of AMES, Univ. of Calif., San Diego

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