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Re: Must see auto web site.

To: louabbot <louabbot@mail.ameritel.net>
Subject: Re: Must see auto web site.
From: Paul Burr <tigerpb@ids.net>
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 21:48:08 +0000
louabbot wrote:
> Just think,
> These little bozos will be getting older, if they survive road rage
> syndrom, to sue the stereo manufactures for product liability for ruining
> their ear drums in a few years and we had to put up with the annoyning
> (sic) noise along the way. Tax payers will suffer. I got my ear drums
> ruined in the "old"-Navy, protecting these idiots rights and I don't plan
> to burden the tax payers about it!!!!
> Nothing beats the sound of an EA-6B launching off a carrier deck- haven't
> had kidney stones since-you had to be there.

If they can hear! I too fried my ears the old way- a Gibson Les Paul and
a 100 watt Marshall amp! These kids can now get in the same volume level
in their cars that used to take me stage full of gear to achieve. And,
they ain't playing 4 hour sets twice a week- they're listening all day
long as they cruise around! God, ya' gotta love the technological leaps
the micro chip has brought!

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