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Re: Rear-view mirror resto

To: Laifman@Flash.Net (Steve Laifman)
Subject: Re: Rear-view mirror resto
From: Roland Dudley <cobra@cdc.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 11:08:17 -0700 (PDT)
> Roland Dudley wrote:
> Jeff,
> >   So I went to a local auto
> > parts store and bought one of those cheapie mirrors you clip on to a sun
> > visor and removed the glass from it.  The guy at Santa Clara Glass cut
> > me a new mirror out of this piece in about two minutes.  He said it
> > wasn't enough work for him to even charge me.
> >
> > BTW, I've seen these mirrors in drug an grocery stores too.  The glass
> > is ~1/8" thick and is in a plastic frame from which it can be removed
> > with little effort.  Price is $2-3, if I recall.  Measure or take
> > your old mirror along to make sure it's big enough.
> >
> >
> > Roland
> Roland,
> I believe you will find you know have plastic mirrors, whose faces scratches f
> your beard reflects in them.  I think glasss is much better.  Pay the $25.
> BTW:  Toys "R Us has a suction-cup/clip mount rectangular mirror for mommies 
> see the wee ones in the rear seat buckets for $3.  These fit very nicely into
> left and right window corners, and give great back left and right  lane views,
> even with either top up or down.  Clean winshield, use clean water to attach.
> Won't fall off too often.  Use glycerinf for more stable mount, put
> non-permanent mount.  Pep Boys has the same ones for $6
> Steve

Wrong, genuine glass.  BTW, the one (actually two) I had made have
rounded corners.  The guy still managed to make both of them in less 
than 5 minutes.    

I actually tried making my own, but gave up after destroying a couple
of these cheapie mirrors.  Total cost was still << $25.


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