On June 13, 1998 , you wrote:
>I am new to the TigerNet (about a month) and am currently looking
>for a car to buy. I have never owned a Tiger before and wanted some
>opinions about a Tiger vs. Alpine Conversion.
>I understand and agree that changing a VIN is illegal, immoral,
>and probably fattening and would never knowingly buy a car being
>sold as a Tiger that is not.
>My question is about a Tiger "clone" that is advertised as such, and
>registered and titled as an Alpine. I have found a car fitting this
>description and also a restored Tiger that I am very confident is the
>genuine article. The Tiger is 2 1/2 times the price of the Alpine Conv.
>Herein lies the quandary.
>I'm looking for a car to enjoy, ie: autocross, drag, drive (maybe even
>in the rain) and not out to impress anyone other than myself and maybe a
>Corvette owner or two. I would feel horrible if I broke or bent a real
>So the question is; when does an Alger cross the line of acceptability.
>Are Tiger emblems on an Alpine Conversion looked down upon, or is it
>as long as the car is not passed off to a prospective buyer as being
>the real
>I know this will open a can of worms on the net, but am very
>interested in
>everyone's perspective.
>Thanks in advance,
>Dallas Bowen
Welcome to the Tiger list, Dallas
You have asked some very logical and appropriate questions; questions which
have been addressed extensively by this list in the past. Unfortunately,
during the past few weeks, you may have noticed an insipid* discussion here on
some of these same subjects. Here is what I have concluded from that recent
If you are totally ignorant about Tigers, lack creditability within the Tiger
community, want to go racing, or generally just like to stir the pot, you
would probably prefer an Alger (or maybe a Spitfire). .
For additional opinions from someone who seems highly qualified in the
foregoing areas, you can E-mail Hank Williamson at: HW200@AOL.com.
Dick Barker
*Insipid: 1.without distinctive, interesting, or attractive qualities
2.without sufficient taste to be pleasing Syn: 1.uninteresting, pointless,
vapid; 2.tasteless, bland