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Re: Fan-Tastic!

To: Larry Paulick <larry@netkonnect.net>
Subject: Re: Fan-Tastic!
From: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 18:02:31 +0100
Larry Paulick wrote:

> Steve, the posting on fans was right on.  I have often though that an
> electic fan with a shrod, either Tiger or aftermarket as a puller, and
> no fan on the water pump would be more efficient for several reasons.
> No parasitec draw on engine, used only when needed, effiecient as fan,
> and just look at new cars, they all have some type of electric fan, and
> many only use electic, not fan blade.
> The new cars also operate at higher temps by design than do Tigers, and
> have aluminum heads, that warp with high heat, so they need a cooling
> system that works, or at least until the warranty is up.
> Non-stock aside, what do you think?
> Larry


I happen to have two such cars.  But, they have aluminum radiators, well
designed flow, BIG electric fans, aluminum heads and blocks, and
are well designed from a cooling standpoint.  There is an option for Ford
Mustangs using a 17" electric fan replacement for the regular fan.
There are even electric water pumps.  BUT, my cars have 110 amp alternators and
LOTS of fuses and fusible links.  It has computer sensors
to control mixture ratio continuously, and a system to shut the motor down if
something goes wrong, then write a "note" to the agency telling it what to fix.

I'm afraid neither of those two cars is my Tiger.  Now my Tiger does not run
hot.  It sits at a happy 190 in a warm day, and gets up to 200-210 on a really
hot one (we're talking 105 air temp, 120 road temp).  I have a modern four row,
LAT 1 manifold and carb, Canadian Ford 6 blade, a scale cleaned system, coolant
recovery bottle, anti-freeze with distilled water,  and that's it.  But,
stalled in traffic it's going to go to the end of the gauge.

I'm putting the fan in for that contingency, and maybe for a hot day going up a
big mountain (Big Bear at the end of June?)

Unless you are planning a big electrical system change (including the wiring to
match) I think an add-on is the best alternative for these
described need. And, of course, there are add-ons, and there are add-ons, as
I've discovered.  If your going over 35 mph, and still heating up, the fan won't
help as the frontal air velocity exceed anything a fan can do.

Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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