On Tue, 1 Jul 1997 18:49:06 -0700 ritchie@mcn.org (Armand & Lorie
Ritchie) writes:
>I found a way to help cool our tigers. Remove the original license
>holder in front. Make a new one out off 1/2 inch steel stock you can
>at the hardware store. This lowers the plate out of the air stream
>lets more air in the lower vent holes in the valance. This little
>made my car run 10 degrees cooler. I think the orginal license plate
>bracket actually deflects air away from the lower vents. Regards
>Armand & Lorie Ritchie
I used to run mine that way.. but I also bent it out a little at the
kinda a mini spoiler deal.. I didn't notice any more cooling though...