I can't think of any good Ausie jokes. However, you are correct
in regards to my oversight. This IS a global list, or perhaps even a
Galalactic list, Hello ET?, so it is very true that not everyone here
will have the reference to the laws that we do have here in the States.
My apologies to those of you outside of the U.S.,..........and off world
as well. The Internet is truely free, except for the price $$$ Ooops,
there I go again, using non-global Dollar signs. Is there a generic
monitary simbol for currency? 8-)
> ----------
> From: Russell Maddock[SMTP:rmaddock@petrie.starway.net.au]
> Reply To: Russell Maddock
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 1997 5:46 AM
> To: Tiger List
> Subject: Re: Political Correctness
> Richard Atherton (Entex) wrote:
> > We have the freedom of our first amendment to protect all of
> us.
> Since this list knows no national boundaries, we don't all have the
> luxury of such freedoms.
> I enjoyed Ole's original post. Personally I think the best jokes are
> those at the expense of myself or my fellow countrymen, but people
> tell
> me I have a strange sense of humour.
> Russell Maddock