Humor is of course in the mind of the reader, listener.
Personally, I thought it was kind cute. It made me smile, but I also
like Sam Kinison, and even some of Dice Clay's material. Since the
original post had No British car content at all, it probably should have
been posted somewhere else.
We have the freedom of our first amendment to protect all of us.
This also brings with it the need for tolerance of the exorcising of
this right. I don't like anything about the neo-Nazi Skin head groups,
BUT, I'm not willing to give up my rights just to see them silenced.
It's a choice.
Soap box now available !!
(Always tollerant of others......until I snap !)
> ----------
> From:[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 1997 6:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Political Correctness
> All,
> I'm the one who "flamed" Ole, although I did so in private, and it had
> nothing whatsoever to do
> with "political correctness".
> I Find nothing at all worthwhile in an adolescent racial slur that had
> not the slightest bit of
> humor in it. There's plenty of humour on this board. some of it is
> clever, some of it is crude,
> but it's all humour.
> What is funny about "Hundee trannee no workee? Needs rice juice!" to
> anyone over the age of
> eight?
> Joe