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Re: DMV hassles

To: Roland Dudley <cobra@cdc.hp.com>
Subject: Re: DMV hassles
From: Harold Hartsell <Hartsell@thegrid.net>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 15:26:35 -0700
Roland wrote:

> Each trip meant some new required
> document or inspection certificate that had to be obtain form some place
> other than the DMV.  Finally, many visits and clerks later, with

In my experience with the Calif. DMV I have learned that it is better
not to ask a clerk if you need any further documentation because said
clerk will ALWAYS say no. But will always demand something new when you
come back.... Better to prepare yourself psychologically for the
beaurocratic onslaught beforehand.

I had to go through 4 visits to the DMV to register my car when I bought
it a few years back. The clerk also attempted to take my black plates,
which became another fiasco.


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