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Re: DMV hassles

To: ritchie@mcn.org (Armand & Lorie Ritchie)
Subject: Re: DMV hassles
From: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 19:49:33 -0700
At 04:52 PM 5/14/97 -0700, Armand & Lorie Ritchie wrote:
>Anyone have a problem with the calif. dmv on trying to change the date on
>you regis.  Our tiger's regis. states first regis. in 65 year model 66.
>But according to the vin number B9470219 it was built in 64, how could it
>be a 66 model?  I think they are going to make us get it smogged, which I
>don't want to do, if I don't have to.  Whats the best way to go on this
>one? Anybody run into this before, in any other states?
>Regards Armand
>dazed and confused
>Armand & Lorie Ritchie


I am in California and the PO of my '65 Tiger was smart enough to have it
petitioned and changed.  Apparently this was common in the middle 60's to
register "first sold" date and can be changed.  FYI the number on my car is
higher than yours: B9472373.  What he basically did was petition the DMV
and provide documentation.  Norm's Registry might also help in your
endeavor.  (Funny, when he had the car inspected, apparently they did not
get upset over the SS phillips head (LeMans, Racing Only, Type: Quick
Change) screws holding down the VIN plate.  As I am off line now, I will
run to the garage and get the details of the guy who wrote the letter for
him....apparently another "expert" on classic cars.  


Interesting, I know this guy and he is basically into restorations and
repairing!!  Just written on his company letter head!!  The guy is as follows:

George Miller
2210 First Avenue
San Diego, CA.  92103

The text to the DMV (local office, here in San Diego) is as follows....and
looks to me like you could have just about anyone with appropriate
letterhead write it for you....but it would be good to have Norm's info to
back you up.  Letter dated 2-12-90:

"On February 10th, 1990, I examined a Sunbeam Tiger, VIN.NO. B9472373,
owned by __________.  Based on the VIN number and available evidence of
production figures, I am of the opinion that this vehicle was manufactured
in 1965 as a 1965 model."  Yours, <signature>

That's it Armand.....I sincerely hope this helps you in your endeavor.  If
you want me to fax you a copy of the letter, please let me know.  But it
looks as if it is a good idea to have your own expert and documentation.
Me thinks they are a little tougher in this day and age.


B9472373  (I know you know......gimme a break! it's just become a habit!)

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