Regarding my earlier posting:
Tom Halls posting stated that this WAS in fact one of the desired
>>(increased value, that is )
And Tom Hall's response:
>Previous excerpt from one of my earlier posts:
>"Preservation of the value of our cars is one of the primary functions of the
>program. "Genuine" always seems to bring more inherent value and price than
>"reproduction" or "counterfeit". We feel it is important for concerned
>owners to be able to buy and sell Tigers with some degree of confidence that
>they are getting what they pay for. This is the service we are attemping to
>I don't think I said what you said I said !
Tom, you're right, and you're not. I agree, with you in the sense that
your statement doesn't come right out and say that increased value is a
desired outcome.
However if you review your own paragraph, particularly the statement : "
"Genuine" always seems to bring more inherent value and price than
"reproduction" or "counterfeit", then if you add to that that the TAC
program is in place to spot and verify the "genuine " article ( this IS
true, right ? ) , then I think you could REASONABLY CONCLUDE that TAC'ing
a car will increase it's value./price. Maybe the difference is in the
intent, versus what some of the spinoff reality is ?
Again, you didn't come out and say it directly, and I apologize if I
misrepresented you. But I think the meaning is definitely buried in there.