Send me artwork of the logo and I'll make you a key fob or what ever
you want. Wait until you see the Frankinsprite car badge I made WST.
----- Original Message -----
From: M&J ROSEN <mra@sympatico.ca>
To: Jack W. Drews <vinttr4@geneseo.net>
Cc: Kansa, Robert <KansaR@diebold.com>; 'TEAM-THICKO@AUTOX.TEAM.NET'
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 2:42 PM
> "Jack W. Drews" wrote:
> > "Kansa, Robert" wrote:
> >
> > > Hey guys, "johnny lightning" (sorta like hot wheels and
matchbox) has out a series of 6 cars called " the british invasion".
theres a bugeye,alpine,mgb,mga tr3 and xke in the set. i got several
sets at my local marcs store (big lots/childrens palace, etc.) there
only a couple bucks apiece, and well detailed for there size and cost.
they would be a great stocking stuffer (hint to the rccsa girls)..
> > > everyone got there x-mas shopping done?..
> >
> > I'm pissed off to a medium degree because all the toys, games,
momorabilia use the TR3's instead of the TR4's. Everything of
collectible interest on eBay is TR3 junk. Yeah, yeah, I know why --
much more charming and all that stuff, but I'm still medium pissed
> >
> > --
> >
> > uncle jack
> >
> > The Attorney General advises that vintage racing may be hazardous
to your wealth.
> Hey!
> Count yourself as lucky...when you race a 'special', there ain't no
models, no books, no key fobs, no hats, no shirts...no nothin'. Just
"what the hell is that?"
> Mike (isn't that special?) Rosen