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now I remember...

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: now I remember...
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 08:16:37 -0500

In fact, we did take our toys in Thickoland and play elsewhere a couple of
years ago...and formed our own mail list which is a lively exchange of
tasteless jokes, comraderie, trackside social plans... and even racing
related subjects now and again. The gentlemen that was offended at the time
with all our personal banter on the vintage race list has now joined "the
dark side" and is one of our valuable members in Canada.

Some people read between the lines... some just the lines... and some I'm
not even sure what page you're reading. Most often these days, any post I
might take to the vintage race list is in reference to helping promote some
upcoming vintage race event... whether it's out home organization or not. In
this instance, the failure on my car is not something I've seen in 26 years
of owning Healeys... so I felt the need to make the occurence public, so
that others might now consider the impact (pun tintended) on their own
situation. The feelings of being trapped, upside down, on track, in a high
speed area of the course was another situation that I felt merited
description. My thankfullness that I wasn't seriously hurt, or that no one
else was hurt was a sincere emotion.

(Oh, and by the way, my car, despite it's carefully groomed appearance that
something might fall off at any time) is inspected on a lift before every
race. Shit happens.

I'd say I've received 40 to 50 responses, ( not necessarily Thickos...but
then again... we're verywhere...) from people I've never met, wishing me
well, offering help, or asking questions about the failure of the car. So
for those of you that don't get it, or fail to see the valued added in our
discussions, (despite the humor or attempts thereof) relax... we'll be going
away shortly, taking our vintage race party back to the confined where only
those who wish to witness it ... do.

You are correct sir, that vintage racing is a "style". Some seem to think
it's and "exclusive" style. We tend to believe it to be "inclusive".
Consider yourselves free to join the party any time you like. Follow your
nose to the best food, your ears to the (I m not claiming the best here)
music, or the well driven race car to the Thicko pits.... we'll be there
waiting for you.

Team Thicko

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