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Re: Bizzare

Subject: Re: Bizzare
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:04:25 -0500

UJ -
Wow! Good thing he noticed it...

That way Biscuit's name didn't need
to be changed to Toast.   :-)


Jack W Drews <> on 10/01/99 09:20:21 AM

Please respond to Jack W Drews <>

cc:    (bcc: Gregory Schulz/MED/IT/ATLAS COPCO)

Subject:  Bizzare

The uncle jack / aunt Frances / son Tony team had truly one of the most
bizzare incidents of the Road America weekend.

Tony returned to the van which was parked with the rear doors open, to
find the driver's gear bag smoldering. He tossed it onto the ground and
poured some water on it. There was a straight line of melted plastic
across the top.

Trying to determine what caused this, he looked around in the rear of
the van for maybe some chemical that we spilled or some errant cigar ash
-- and when he was looking around he noticed a bright streak of light --
seems the sun shining through the rear door of the van focused as
through a magnifying glass on the driver's gear bag.......

True story, really .....okay, let the puns begin.....

uncle jack
TR4 - 10 mpg
TR6 - 30 mpg
(plus a few other differences)

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