Wow. Sounds like I'm the only one here who had a positive experience with his
Legacy. It really was a great car except for the lack of acceleration.
>From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
Richard Ball <> wrote:
Thanks Peter,
So it sounds like cars that have had the HG replaced have a few years left
in them.
It also sounds like with any car we have those that had good luck and bad,
I'll have my son Adam look through the Outback forum so he can get an idea
of what to expect.B I'll go through it also since I end up doing all their
car work.B I make him help and teach him what I can, but it just has never
been something that interested him.
There is one maintenance thing he likes to do on cars that I have never
understood.B He likes to R & R the brakes.B A dirty messy job, but for some
reason he likes to do it so I encourage him and try to have the brake job
lead to other things.B He is good at his job as a building maintenance tech
Thanks Everyone
Rich Ball
'76 Midget
Everett, WA
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Caldwell []
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 10:24 AM
To: Richard Ball; 'Spridgets List'
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] non LBC Subaru Outback Info
Design problem that the new head gaskets have solved.B No worries. be
more concerned if they haven't been changed yet.B The 2.5 was the
bigger concern.
B B B B B B B B Peter C
At 12:19 PM 2/7/2013, Richard Ball wrote:
>Well since the list is too quite for some I'll ask a question.
>My son and his wife always get a fairly large tax refund and this
>year they have decided to be smart about things and look into buying
>a good (for them) family car.B Out here in the wilds of the Great
>Northwest you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting a
>Subaru Outback so they are looking at those or alternatively some
>sort of minivan.B They probably can afford an Outback in the 1995 to
>1997 range, but are noticing that many of those are listing that the
>timing belt, water pump, and head gasket have been changed. I can
>understand the timing belt and water pump, but is the head gasket a
>maintenance item on these or a design problem.B If it is a problem
>how much time dose replacing it buy you?
>Rich Ball
>'76 Midget
>Everett, WA ------------------------
>Suggested annual donation: $12.75
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