Thanks Lester,
Yeah, I was playing a little loose with the term refund but I hear what your
Rich Ball
'76 Midget
Everett, WA
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lester Ewing
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 12:59 PM
To: spridgets list
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] non LBC Subaru Outback Info
you do understand that the Earned Income Credit is actually cash given to
poorly paid parents. In other words anyone earning money and paying in is
giving anyone with the EIC cash. A pure handout. When it's needed it's
for the folks receiving it but to say that they are getting a tax refund is
misleading. The US Government is giving them money. Period. More power to
them, I would rather that my taxes go to some good purpose than many others
but please fully understand what's happening.
On Feb 7, 2013, at 2:40 10PM, Richard Ball wrote:
> Tim,
> While I can understand you point of view and as a side note my wife and I
> try to have our taxes come out as close to zero as possible, that's not
> case for my son Adam and his family. In my sons case they qualify for the
> earned income tax credit for their two kids and his annual income. I'm
> one to defend the US tax code; I'm just saying that they aren't using
> Sam as a savings account.
> ____
> From: Tim Collins []
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 12:22 PM
> To: Richard Ball; 'Spridgets List'
> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] non LBC Subaru Outback Info
> It pains me to hear of anyone getting a "fairly large tax refund."
> I'll make the same offer the government makes. Send me a bundle of your
> money and a year later I'll return it. I talked to a tax preparer who said
> one of his clients gets a large return because he likes to waive it around
> at work and "brag" about the tax return. Ok with me if that's his thing, I
> guess. Anyhow, anyone can contact me anytime if you want me to hold your
> money for a year. I'll even sign legal documents stating the guaranteed
> return in 1 year. (same interest rate as the government, you understand!)