The bad news is that I had that same symptom exactly.. but that was
with the Judson ,, and the problem was that the carb jet had come out
of it's home so there was now an enormous amount of fuel going in.
Just figure out how the same thing could be happening with a SU and
you're done. Heh..
On May 13, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Dave Grandeffo wrote:
> Leo wrote:
>> allright all ye wise ones: Lets see where this goes. Iris is
>> driving me nuts
>> with a problem and I havent found a solution.
>> symptons:
>> Warm day (above 80) go down the road and come up to a stop sign
>> and she will
>> die and not restart for a couple of minutes then she wil start but
>> in a
>> severley rich mode (i.e. loaded up) Let the temperature drop down
>> to say 75
>> degrees and she will run perfect for any length of trip I want to
>> go on
>> without a hiccup one. If you never come to a stop sign and stay in
>> the upper
>> rpm ranges she will also run all day long.
>> Sooooo... Is the problem fuel delivery related or ignition??
> Leo,
> Check to see if your fuel line is getting heat transferred to it
> from the exhaust. Move it or insulate it or make a heat shield.
> --
> Dave Grandeffo
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