allright all ye wise ones: Lets see where this goes. Iris is driving me nuts
with a problem and I havent found a solution.
Warm day (above 80) go down the road and come up to a stop sign and she will
die and not restart for a couple of minutes then she wil start but in a
severley rich mode (i.e. loaded up) Let the temperature drop down to say 75
degrees and she will run perfect for any length of trip I want to go on
without a hiccup one. If you never come to a stop sign and stay in the upper
rpm ranges she will also run all day long.
Sooooo... Is the problem fuel delivery related or ignition??
Have checked the points when it happens and spark is great. have removed the
gas cap and drove but same issue happens.
What is driving me nuts is when I go to check the problem out it will almost
NEVER happen.
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