Matt -
My '67 is running a bypass sleeve and blanked-off head connection with a 3-row
vertical flow radiator. It always ran hot until I installed an oversize'd
water pump pully from Mini-Mania. Now it rarely overheats, even in L. A.
Clay L.
'67 Sprite
-- Matt Hagopian <> wrote:
I have a suzuki 50 amp alt already, it is the same size apprx as the sprite
alt. but pumps out a few more amps. Im getting mixed responses about
electric. So here's my problem.. Right now we have a 14x14x1.5(core) rad
with a 6 blade fan on the motor no shroud. It overheats to about 240 when
sitting stil and while racing.
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 12:38 PM, <> wrote:
> David is correct.
> An engine driven water pump is designed to operate at high effiency at low
> engine rpm. This is so much the case that high rpm engines benefit from
> running the pump at a lower speed.
> Regards
> Weslake-Monza 1330
> In a message dated 19/01/2009 14:26:18 GMT Standard Time,
> writes:
> David,
> I would beg to differ.
> At idle a regular water pump is not working well at all, slow speed,
> no air moving over radiator, low water pumping.
> Electric water pump works all the time (if you want) so that you get
> great water flow at idle or whenever.
> That said, I have only seen them on racecars as well but racers are
> frequently ahead of the curve... ;-)
> Lester
> On Jan 19, 2009, at 6:54 AM, David Lieb wrote:
> >> ... He doesnt address electric waterpumps, I was
> >> wondering why... having an electric water pump would reduce drag,
> >> thus
> >> allowing for more power, anyone have any ideas? Also going along
> >> with this
> >> idea, why doesnt he recomend an electric fan?
> >
> > Matt,
> snip
> >
> > Electric water pumps are seldom used by anyone but a racer. Most
> > beneficial
> > when the car sits at WOT for extended periods. Not nearly so logical
> > when
> > significant time is spent idling.
> > David Lieb
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