This is very true. The single barrel from what i had heard when i was looking.
Are not very good for heating. That is why a suggested a cast iron. As some one
said it radiates heat well. Very efficient. He burns Tamarack - or other hard
word He uses it in the winter to heat a two car shop. In the summer he stores
the cast iron unit and some of the pipe and uses the vent for other uses. Works
for him any way.
Dave Grandeffo <> wrote:
Charlie Shelden wrote:
> Sounds similar, the same company makes a kit to attach a second barrel to the
> top so you can get more heat, my shop is only 24x30 so it won't take a whole
> bunch. THis is most likely over kill to be sure, but I'm off for two weeks
> and plan to spend some time in the shop with the car thought why pay for
> propane if I can build this thing for less than 50.00. I plan to put castors
> on it and roll it under my bench in the summer as floor space is always
> needed. I bet it burns me out of there to be sure.
> Charlie
If you install the second barrel, it will increase the efficiency of the
stove and allow you to throttle it back more and not have to fill it as
Dave Grandeffo
Southern Wisconsin
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