--- "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net> wrote:
> I remember a buddy of mine scoffed
> at Reagen's "Star Wars"
A lot of people did. I worked on Star Wars at Los
Alamos National Lab for almost 2 years. As a 23 yr
old pup, I was part of an industrial partnership
between the lab and Grumman Aerospace corporation.
The technology, given the processing power of 1989 and
1990, was quite the stretch, but IMNSHO would be a lot
easier today. It's sad (and dangerous) that we didn't
keep the seed going these past 16 years. I can't
really fathom how long it would take to get back to
where we were when development essentially halted in
the mid 1990s. It seemed pointless to a lot of people,
but as Farady said to the queen when she asked "Of
what use are these electricity experiments?", "Of what
use is a baby?". The baby would have been pretty
grown up by now, instead it's a case of arrested
development. And all the smart kids are doing
"myspace.com" instead of physics.
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