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Re: Other interests? Worlds colliding? Fish stories?

To: Paul Asgeirsson <pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>,
Subject: Re: Other interests? Worlds colliding? Fish stories?
From: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 15:40:06 GMT
"Got any vacant.....silos...."?

LOL!! I remember a buddy of mine scoffed
at Reagen's "Star Wars" in favor of "traditional" security measures considering 
"traditional" terrorism (at the
time) didn't include possible long
range missile activity.

I advised him we needed to prepare for
both considering terrorism is supported by certain governments who have 
"access" and that alternatively, "Star Wars"
might also be "inverted" and used offensively if need be (best defense 
sometimes means a strong offense).

He laughed. He's not laughing any more.

We have naval AEGIS which seems a step in the right direction, anyway. And the 
MDA is working on other ground-based stuff...full
speed ahead in this respect, hopefully! :)

You carry "Green Stuff", right Paul??? 1500
lister may be in touch with you shortly for
front pads for his RB Midget.

Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)

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